Taking Stock – Reflections of an Indie Author

Two months—that’s how long ago The Pelican was first published… and I am still in awe…

Did I sell a million copies and move to another zip code? Certainly not!

Was it all worth it? Absolutely!

In all fairness, I had zero expectations when I hit that ‘Publish’ button, other than a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, both of which were overwhelming. Then again, to me, success isn’t defined by sales reports—it is the sum of all the little milestones that have led me here, and the feedback I have received from my readers. The greatest achievement for any author has to be the knowledge that your story touched someone, made them look at a tough subject from a different point of view, provided comfort or encouragement, caused them to laugh out loud, or cry with the characters that have become like friends. THAT is priceless.

Still, if you haven’t ordered your copy yet, keep in mind that the Holidays are less than twelve weeks away and books make great stocking stuffers—so much for my sales pitch, let’s be real!

Has it been challenging? You bet!

While not having the marketing machinery of a big publishing house behind me gives me total creative control, it also means that nothing happens, if I don’t make it happen. Every day, I am discovering new sales and promo channels and tapping into networks I didn’t know existed. Building and expanding my author platform, researching and chipping away at a long list of marketing and development opportunities, while ideas for the next three novels are already waiting to bust out…  if there was one thing I wish I had more of… it would be time (and energy, I’ll take some more of that too, while we are at it—just saying).

Do I wish I went the traditional publishing route? Definitely not!

I have gained a copious amount of knowledge and, most of all, have had way too much fun! That said, if your Uncle Henry or your friend from college happened to work in publishing—lead the way! I’d appreciate the introduction. I’m not ruling out a crossover, if for nothing else but to be able to focus on writing again.

Indie Authors used to lead a fringe existence, frowned upon by big-box booksellers and publishers. With the rise of POD and online publishing platforms, this role has drastically evolved. Indies provide fresh content that does not necessarily cater to the masses or fit the mold of what’s been proven to sell, which is exactly why there is a legitimate market that has a need for our voices. We have come together in professional organizations and thrive to create products that live up to the quality standards of traditional publishing.

The landscape of storytelling is changing, and I am excited to be a part of it. Here’s to the characters of my next novels that are already congregating in my mind—can’t wait to get to know and share them with you!

One thought on “Taking Stock – Reflections of an Indie Author

  1. Tanja Schäfer Monteiro

    With the first words of this story, I felt I was a part of it. A story so emotional and strong, beautifully written. It’s like a wave, building up to a high tide and crashing down with all the power of nature. This could be the story of me, of you, or your sister, mother, friend. Thank you for this extraordinary novel!

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